Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2016 Diploma Paper

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2016 Diploma Question Paper


 State the unit of measurement for the following.  7×2=14

    i) Earthwork
   ii) RCC work
  iii) Steel
  iv) Half brick wall
   v) Holdfast
  vi) DPC
 vii) Flooring


Q2. Attempt any THREE questions.                           3×13=39    
   Q2. Calculate the quantity of earthwork for hill road from RD 300 to RD 700, partly in cutting and partly in filling. Formation width is 6m, side slope in banking 2:1 and in cutting 1:1. Transverse slope is 1 in 5.
RD 300 400 500 600 700
NSL 202.250 202.500 203.000 204.100 204.800
FL 204.250 204.000 203.750 203.500 203.250
  Q3. Work out the quantities of earthwork for a channel from the following data;
RD 0 500 1000 1500
GL 341.400 341.300 341.100 340.900
PBL = 340.800m, bed width is 4m, side slope in cutting 1:1 and in filling 1.5:1, bank width 1.5m on both sides. FSD is 60cm, free board is 45cm. Bed slope is 1 in 5000.
  Q4. Prepare the analysis of rate for 10 cum of cement concrete 1:2:4 from the following data; Labour for 10 cum; Mason = 1 @ Rs. 300 per day
Labour = 15 @ Rs. 200 per day Water man = 2 @ Rs. 250 per day
Cost of material: Cement = Rs. 300 per bag
Sand = Rs. 600 per cum
Bajri = Rs. 1200 per cum


   Q5. Write short note on (ANY THREE):              5+7+5+5=22

    a) Contract system
    b) Tender document
    c) Purpose of valuation
   d) Depreciation
   e) Analysis of rates
  Q6. a) Explain in details the different type of estimates.
   b) Explain the different methods of building estimates.

  Q7. Calculate the quantities of following items from the sketch attached:
    a) Excavation for foundation
    b) 1st class Brick masonry from foundation and super structure
    c) Cement plaster (inside only)
    d) 4cm thick DPC

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/ May 2016 Diploma Paper

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Section a applied Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2016 Diploma Solved Question Paper

State the unit of measurement for i) Earthwork What are the unit of measurement for ii) RCC work State the unit of measurement for iii) Steel Give the unit of measurement for  iv) Half brick wall State the unit of measurement for v) Holdfast What are the unit of measurement for  vi) DPC Give the unit of measurement for  vii) Flooring
Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May\’19

What is valuation? Give the purpose of valuation.

Valuation and purpose of valuation.

What are the factors considered while preparing the analysis of rates?

Factors considered while preparing the analysis of rates

Find out the dry material for 1 cu.m brick masonry in cement sand mortar 1:5.

Dry material for 1 cu.m brick masonry in cement sand mortar 1:5.

Find out the dry material required for 1 cu.m cement concrete 1:2:4.

Find out the dry material required for 1 cu.m cement concrete 1:2:4.

Define tender. Write the name of various tender documents.

Tender and name of various tender documents.

Define contractor. What are essential qualifications of a contractor?

Contractor and essential qualifications of a contractor

Write a short note on Scrap value and Earnest money.

Short note on Scrap value and Earnest money.

Write a short note on different Measurement Books.

Short note on different Measurement Books.

Write a short note on Depreciation and Muster Roll.

Short note on Depreciation and Muster Roll.

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil /May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Quantity Surveying & Valuation Civil/May 2016 Paper

Write a Short Note on a) Contract system

a) Contract system

b) Tender document

b) Tender document

c) Purpose of valuation

Purpose of valuation

d) Depreciation


e) Analysis of rates

Analysis of rates

Explain in details the different type of estimates.

Different type of estimates.

Explain the different methods of Building Estimates.

Different methods of building estimates.


Calculate the quantities of following items from  a) Excavation for foundation

a) Excavation for foundation


Find the quantities of following items from  b) 1st class Brick masonry from foundation and super structure

b) 1st class Brick masonry from foundation and super structure

c) Cement plaster (inside only)

Cement plaster

d) 4cm thick DPC

4cm thick DPC


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